6 Key Steps to Take Before Releasing your Next Flutter App
13 min read
Prepare your Flutter app for launch with these 6 steps, including flavors and environments, error monitoring, force updates, and in-app reviews.
Prepare your Flutter app for launch with these 6 steps, including flavors and environments, error monitoring, force updates, and in-app reviews.
A step-by-step guide on how to publish your Flutter app, including metadata, compliance, privacy manifests, Xcode settings, and building your IPA file.
A reference guide for releasing your Flutter app on the Play Store, including app content, store listing, Android project settings, and code signing.
Introducing a new Riverpod App Architecture that can be used to build scalable and maintainable apps with a clear structure.
Comparing my Riverpod App Architecture with other popular ones such as MVC, MVVM, Bloc, Stacked, Clean Architecture, and Android App Architecture.
An overview of the feature-first and layer-first approaches when choosing a project structure for medium/large Flutter apps, along with their tradeoffs and common pitfalls.
A complete guide to the Riverpod package as a reactive caching and data-binding framework. Fully updated to Riverpod 2.0.
Riverpod is a powerful reactive caching and data-binding framework. Let’s learn how to make the most of it so we can use it effectively.
Some useful Riverpod techniques you can use to initialize async dependencies, show some loading UI, and handle errors during app startup.
A step-by-step tutorial showing how to implement deep links in Flutter using GoRouter, including the native Android and iOS platform setup.
How to implement bottom and side navigation with stateful nested routes in Flutter using the GoRouter package (example app with source code included).
Let's explore some techniques to separate our business logic and navigation code from the UI, using GoRouter and Riverpod.
Learn how to set up Firebase for multiple flavors in your Flutter app using the FlutterFire CLI. This guide covers iOS, Android, and web configurations.
A simple guide showing how to use the FirestoreListView widget to enable pagination when loading large collections of documents from Firestore.
Getting a Flutter & Firebase app to work on macOS is a tricky endeavour. Follow this step-by-step guide to get it working.
An overview of different techniques for storing API keys on the client, along with security best practices to prevent them from being stolen.
A step-by-step guide showing how to store API keys with the Google Secrets Manager, and access them securely inside 2nd-Gen Cloud Functions.
Learn how to build and deploy a Dart Shelf App that taps into the OpenAI API without exposing the API key in your Flutter client.
A curated list of popular VSCode shortcuts, extensions & settings to speed-up your Flutter development workflow and code like a pro.
A tour of the new Copilot features. Learn how its AI assists with code, tests, and commits, and find out if it's right for your Flutter projects.
A collection of useful aliases to speed up your Flutter app development workflow.
Learn how to use the most common Flutter animation APIs with examples and a free gallery app on GitHub.
How to use animations in Flutter to spice up a fun game written in Dartpad. Learn about implicit animations, AnimatedAlign, duration and curves.
How to build an interactive page flip widget using Flutter's AnimationController, AnimationBuilder, gesture detectors and custom 3D matrix transforms (part 1).