Useful Aliases for Flutter App Development

Commands like dart run build_runner build -d are used frequently but take too long to type.

Here are some useful aliases to speed up your workflow:

Useful aliases for Flutter app development
Useful aliases for Flutter app development

To set them up, stick these lines in your .zshrc:

alias fclean="flutter clean" alias fpg="flutter pub get" alias fpu="flutter pub upgrade" alias brb="dart run build_runner build -d" alias brw="dart run build_runner watch -d" alias fpgbrb="fpg && brb" alias fpgbrw="fpg && brw" alias pinst="pod install" alias pru="pod repo update"

Then, simply run them as needed. Example:

brw # Same as `dart run build_runner watch -d`

If you use VSCode, also consider the following:

Read this article for all the details: 👇

Happy coding!

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