Tagged with #animations

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Flutter: Animated Task Completion Ring with AnimationController and AnimatedBuilder

Flutter: Animated Task Completion Ring with AnimationController and AnimatedBuilder


How to animate a custom task completion ring using AnimationController and AnimatedBuilder in Flutter.

Flutter: How to Draw a Task Completion Ring with CustomPainter

Flutter: How to Draw a Task Completion Ring with CustomPainter


CustomPainter is often the way to go when we need to draw some custom shapes in Flutter. Let's see how to use it in practice.

Flutter Timer vs Ticker: A Case Study

Flutter Timer vs Ticker: A Case Study


Need a Flutter widget that updates every frame? Here's why using Timer is not a good choice, and why Ticker is a much better solution.

How to implement a shake text effect in Flutter

How to implement a shake text effect in Flutter


How to create a custom animation curve and implement a shake effect that can be applied to any widget in Flutter.

Learn Flutter Animations by Example + Free Gallery App on GitHub

Learn Flutter Animations by Example + Free Gallery App on GitHub


Learn how to use the most common Flutter animation APIs with examples and a free gallery app on GitHub.

Colors / Numbers Game with Flutter Implicit Animations

Colors / Numbers Game with Flutter Implicit Animations


How to use animations in Flutter to spice up a fun game written in Dartpad. Learn about implicit animations, AnimatedAlign, duration and curves.

Flutter: Why do TweenAnimationBuilder and AnimatedBuilder have a child argument?

Flutter: Why do TweenAnimationBuilder and AnimatedBuilder have a child argument?


Why and when to use the child widget argument to optimize Flutter performance when working with TweenAnimationBuilder and AnimatedBuilder.

How to reduce AnimationController boilerplate code: Flutter Hooks vs extending the State class

How to reduce AnimationController boilerplate code: Flutter Hooks vs extending the State class


How to use Flutter Hooks or State subclassing to reduce your AnimationController boilerplate code.

Flutter Animations: Interactive Page Flip Widget [Part 2]

Flutter Animations: Interactive Page Flip Widget [Part 2]


How to build an interactive page flip widget using Flutter's AnimationController, AnimationBuilder, gesture detectors and custom 3D matrix transforms (part 2).

Flutter Animations: Interactive Page Flip Widget

Flutter Animations: Interactive Page Flip Widget


How to build an interactive page flip widget using Flutter's AnimationController, AnimationBuilder, gesture detectors and custom 3D matrix transforms (part 1).

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