Tagged with #layouts

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Why You Should Refactor Before Adding New Features

Why You Should Refactor Before Adding New Features


A real-world case study about ephemeral vs application state, navigation, scroll controllers, and how refactoring can help you ship new features smoothly.

Responsive Split View in Flutter

Responsive Split View in Flutter


Here's how to create a responsive split-view widget that works on mobile, desktop and web.

New Spacing Argument in Row/Column (Flutter 3.27)

New Spacing Argument in Row/Column (Flutter 3.27)


Since Flutter 3.27, you can pass a spacing argument to your Row and Column widgets (rather than using SizedBox).

The CarouselView Widget

The CarouselView Widget


Since Flutter 3.24, a new CarouselView widget is available. You can set the children's size with itemExtent and shrinkExtent, and use it with any widgets as children.

The OverflowBar Widget

The OverflowBar Widget


OverflowBar makes it easy to layout your widgets in a row unless they overflow the available horizontal space, in which case they're arranged as a column.

Use SizedBox.shrink() to return an empty box

Use SizedBox.shrink() to return an empty box


If you need to return an empty widget, SizedBox.shrink() is more performant than an empty Container.

Responsive Flutter Layout with SizedBox & Center

Responsive Flutter Layout with SizedBox & Center


Some helper widgets for creating Flutter layouts that grow horizontally up to a given width, then remain fixed at that width.

Flutter Tip: Use Composition Aggressively

Flutter Tip: Use Composition Aggressively


Create small, reusable widgets that are easier to reason about, and banish the massive build method from existence!

How to replace SizedBox with compile-time constants for better performance

How to replace SizedBox with compile-time constants for better performance


A useful tip to write more performant code when using SizedBox as a gap between widgets inside a Row or Column layout.

Add Fixed Spacing with the Gap Widget

Add Fixed Spacing with the Gap Widget


How to easily add fixed spacing inside Flex widgets such as Columns and Rows or scrolling views.

Responsive layouts in Flutter: Split View and Drawer Navigation

Responsive layouts in Flutter: Split View and Drawer Navigation


How to implement a responsive layout in Flutter by using a split view on large screens and drawer navigation on mobile.

How to create a Flutter GridView with content-sized items

How to create a Flutter GridView with content-sized items


GridView is only suitable for items with a fixed aspect ratio. Here's how to use the flutter_layout_grid package to render responsive layouts with variable item sizes.

How to build a Chat Messaging UI in Flutter

How to build a Chat Messaging UI in Flutter


A simple and elegant approach to build a Chat Messaging UI with DecoratedBox, Align, and Padding widgets in Flutter.

Adding top and bottom separators with ListView.separated

Adding top and bottom separators with ListView.separated


How to make your ListViews feel native on iOS by adding top and bottom separators.

Flutter Slivers Overview: SliverList, SliverGrid, SliverToBoxAdapter, SliverFillRemaining

Flutter Slivers Overview: SliverList, SliverGrid, SliverToBoxAdapter, SliverFillRemaining


In-depth overview of Slivers and how to use them (part 2). Includes a demo app showing how to use SliverList, SliverGrid, SliverToBoxAdapter, SliverFillRemaining.

Flutter Slivers Overview: SliverAppBar, SliverPersistentHeader

Flutter Slivers Overview: SliverAppBar, SliverPersistentHeader


In-depth overview of Slivers and how to use them (part 1). Includes a demo app showing how to use SliverAppBar and SliverPersistentHeader.

Flutter: The power of small and reusable widgets

Flutter: The power of small and reusable widgets


Let's learn about color gradients, composition, writing reusable UI code, and CupertinoSegmentedControl.

Flutter: Adding Animated Overlays to Your App

Flutter: Adding Animated Overlays to Your App


Let's see how to use some custom code to add animated overlays and reveal action options from a FAB.

Flutter: BottomAppBar Navigation with FAB

Flutter: BottomAppBar Navigation with FAB


How to dock a floating action button in the middle of a BottomAppBar.

Flutter Layouts Walkthrough: PageView, ListView, GridView, Slivers, CustomScrollView

Flutter Layouts Walkthrough: PageView, ListView, GridView, Slivers, CustomScrollView


How to build layouts with scrollable pages, lists, grids, and other convenience widgets. Includes slivers and their usage to create a hero image effect.

Flutter Layouts Walkthrough: Row, Column, Stack, Expanded, Padding

Flutter Layouts Walkthrough: Row, Column, Stack, Expanded, Padding


How to build basic layouts in Flutter. Also included: MainAxisAlignment, MainAxisSize, CrossAxisAlignment, Baseline, AlignmentDirectional, LayoutBuilder, SizedBox.

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