How to replace SizedBox with compile-time constants for better performance

One very common use case for SizedBox is when adding a gap between widgets inside a Row or Column.

In practice, this often leads to code that looks like this:

Column( children: const [ Text('Spacing is a good idea in UX design.'), SizedBox(height: 12), Text('It makes your UI less cluttered.'), ] )

or like this:

Row( children: [ const Text('Image Preview:'), const SizedBox(width: 12), CachedNetworkImage(imageUrl: product.imageUrl), ] )

There's nothing wrong with the code above.

However, it's very easy to forget the const modifier when needed.

And having to type SizedBox(height: someValue) many times over is a bit too verbose.

So here's a little tip to improve things.

Defining gaps as const widgets

In a separate file, we can define all the SizedBoxes we need as compile time constants, using multiples of 4 pixels:

// gaps.dart const gapH4 = SizedBox(height: 4); const gapH8 = SizedBox(height: 8); const gapH12 = SizedBox(height: 12); ... const gapH64 = SizedBox(height: 64); const gapW4 = SizedBox(width: 4); const gapW8 = SizedBox(width: 8); const gapW12 = SizedBox(width: 12); ... const gapW64 = SizedBox(width: 64);

Then, we can use them whenever we need:

// don't forget to import gaps.dart! Column( children: const [ Text('Spacing is a good idea in UX design.'), gapH12, Text('It makes your UI less cluttered.'), ] ) Row( children: [ const Text('Image Preview:'), gapW12, CachedNetworkImage(imageUrl: product.imageUrl), ] )

Once again: your code will be more performant because all the gaps above are hardcoded as compile-time constants.

And you'll have less typing to do, which is always a nice win! 👌

Why multiples of 4?

If you prefer, you can use multiples of 8.

The main point is that this will make your UI look more consistent, by giving you a strict set of values to choose from.

Happy coding!

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