Tagged with #networking

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Remote Config via GitHub Gist

Remote Config via GitHub Gist


Here's how to remotely control the behaviour of your app by fetching some JSON from a GitHub gist.

How to use --dart-define-from-file with .env and json files

How to use --dart-define-from-file with .env and json files


--dart-define-from-file supports both .env and json files. Here's how to use each variant.

How to Store API Keys in Flutter: --dart-define vs .env files

How to Store API Keys in Flutter: --dart-define vs .env files


An overview of different techniques for storing API keys on the client, along with security best practices to prevent them from being stolen.

How to Cancel HTTP Requests with CancelToken and Riverpod

How to Cancel HTTP Requests with CancelToken and Riverpod


You can use CancelToken to stop unnecessary data fetches when users navigate away or to implement "cancel" buttons in your Flutter apps.

REST Client Extension for VSCode

REST Client Extension for VSCode


How to send HTTP requests and view the response directly in Visual Studio Code.

Code Generation with Dart & Flutter: The Ultimate Guide

Code Generation with Dart & Flutter: The Ultimate Guide


An extensive guide covering the code generation mechanism in Dart, useful code-generating packages, and tips for efficient codebase maintenance.

How to Parse JSON in Dart/Flutter: The Ultimate Guide

How to Parse JSON in Dart/Flutter: The Ultimate Guide


Learn how to parse JSON and define type-safe model classes that can handle validation, nullable/optional values, and complex/nested JSON data (updated to Dart 3).

How to fix

How to fix "SocketException: Connection failed (Operation not permitted)" with Flutter on macOS


Flutter apps built for macOS need a client network entitlement in order to make network requests. Here's how to configure it.

How to Parse Large JSON Data with Isolates in Dart 2.15

How to Parse Large JSON Data with Isolates in Dart 2.15


How to parse large JSON data using compute, Isolate.spawn, and Isolate.exit - a new feature for fast concurrency with worker isolates in Dart 2.15.

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