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How to Cancel HTTP Requests with CancelToken and Riverpod

Did you know?

CancelToken lets you cancel HTTP requests on demand.

It's great for optimizing network usage, improving UX, and handling timeouts.

Use it to stop unnecessary data fetches when users navigate away or to implement "cancel" buttons in your Flutter apps.

How to use CancelToken with Dio and Riverpod
How to use CancelToken with Dio and Riverpod

Example code

import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart'; @riverpod Future<TMDBMoviesResponse> fetchMovies( FetchMoviesRef ref, { required int page, }) async { // 1. Create the CancelToken final cancelToken = CancelToken(); // 2. Cancel it on dispose ref.onDispose(() => cancelToken.cancel()); // 3. Pass it along when making a request return nowPlayingMovies( page: page, cancelToken: cancelToken, ); } Future<TMDBMoviesResponse> nowPlayingMovies( {required int page, CancelToken? cancelToken}) async { final uri = Uri(/* uri params */); final response = await dio.getUri(uri, cancelToken: cancelToken); return TMDBMoviesResponse.fromJson(; }

CancelToken works great in combination with Riverpod.

Here's a more in-depth example showing how to implement a caching-with-timeout strategy:

Happy coding!

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