How to Run Multiple Test Variants

Did you know?

You can run a widget test multiple times with different variants using the variant argument.

This is quite useful if you have a responsive app and want to run a golden image test for different screen sizes. 👇

Example Code

import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; void main() { final sizeVariant = ValueVariant<Size>({ const Size(300, 600), const Size(600, 800), const Size(1000, 1000), }); testWidgets( 'Golden - products list', (tester) async { final r = Robot(tester); final currentSize = sizeVariant.currentValue!; await r.golden.setSurfaceSize(currentSize); await r.golden.loadRobotoFont(); await r.golden.loadMaterialIconFont(); await r.pumpMyApp(); await r.golden.precacheImages(); await expectLater( find.byType(MyApp), matchesGoldenFile( 'products_list_${currentSize.width.toInt()}x${currentSize.height.toInt()}.png', ), ); }, variant: sizeVariant, tags: ['golden'], ); }

Note: the example above uses golden as a test tag. To learn more about this, read: How to Use Tags in Your Unit and Widget Tests.

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