Did you know?
In Flutter, you can easily create a responsive split-view widget that works on mobile, desktop and web.
You can do this in 30 lines of code, without any 3rd party packages: 👇
Example Code
class SplitView extends StatelessWidget {
const SplitView({super.key, required this.navigationBuilder,
required this.contentBuilder, this.breakpoint = 600,
this.navigationWidth = 300});
final WidgetBuilder navigationBuilder;
final WidgetBuilder contentBuilder;
final double breakpoint;
final double navigationWidth;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final screenWidth = MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width;
if (screenWidth >= breakpoint) {
// * wide screen: navigation on the left, content on the right
return Row(
children: [
width: navigationWidth,
child: navigationBuilder(context),
// if you want, add a divider here
Expanded(child: contentBuilder(context)),
} else {
// * show content only (handle navigation with a drawer or similar)
return contentBuilder(context);
For a more complete tutorial, read this article (slightly outdated, but the main principles still apply):
Happy coding!