Use Type Annotations for Safer Code

The Dart analyzer can infer types for fields, methods, variables, and more.

But sometimes it needs a little help, and you can use type annotations to ensure variables are of the intended type.

This way, your code won't compile if you use types incorrectly.


// inferred type: List<dynamic> final allInts = [1, 6, 2.2, 3, 8.12, 4, 9, 'string']; // inferred type: List<int> final allIntsForSure = <int>[1, 6, 2.2, 3, 8.12, 4, 9, 'string']; allInts.add(5); // ok allInts.add(5.0); // ok but unintended allInts.add('I can add anything!'); // ok but unintended allInts.add(true); // ok but unintended allIntsForSure.add(5); // ok allIntsForSure.add(5.0); // error allIntsForSure.add('Will not compile!'); // error

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