Uploading Screenshots with Fastlane

Did you know?

Rather than uploading your app store screenshots manually, you can automate the process with Fastlane!

Here's how 👇

Uploading Screenshots with Fastlane

Before uploading to the App Store, fastlane will show a preview so you can check if everything looks good.

Fastlane App Store preview showing the metadata and screenshots

You can skip this by passing force: true to the upload_to_app_store lane (useful for non-interactive CI workflows).

Video Preview

Here's a preview showing how to export screenshots from Figma and upload them with Fastlane, in less than one minute:

Flutter in Production

My latest course includes a whole module about screenshot automation, covering:

  • ✅ Tips for better screenshots
  • ✅ Capturing screenshots with Maestro
  • ✅ Editing them with Figma
  • ✅ Uploading them with Fastlane (locally & on CI)

Learn more here:

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