FlutterFire Config with Multiple Flavors (Shell Script)

Did you know?

If your Flutter app uses multiple flavors, you can use the FlutterFire CLI to generate the config files for each flavor.

FlutterFire Config with Multiple Flavors

Here’s what each argument does:

  • --project: The Firebase project to use (note: pass the project ID, not the alias).
  • --out: Output path for the Firebase config file.
  • --ios-bundle-id: iOS app’s bundle ID. Find it in Xcode under Runner > General > Identity > Bundle Identifier.
  • --ios-out: Output path for the iOS GoogleService-Info.plist.
  • --android-package-name: Android app’s package name (found as applicationId in android/app/build.gradle).
  • --android-out: Output path for the Android google-services.json.

Pro Tip: Create a Shell Script

To simplify the setup, here's a sample shell script that takes the flavor as an argument:

To use this script:

  • Copy it to the root of your project
  • Update the project, ios-bundle-id, and android-package-name for your app.
  • Run it and follow the interactive prompts

This is only a small part of the Flutter app flavoring process.

For all the details, check my latest course. 👇

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