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Conditional Imports for Web/Native APIs

Did you know?

If you try to access a web-specific API on native platforms, your app will crash. 💥

To prevent this, hide your API behind an "umbrella" file using conditional imports. ✅

Here's an example showing how to check if the app is using the CanvasKit renderer. 👇

Here's how to hide your web APIs behind an umbrella file using conditional imports
Here's how to hide your web APIs behind an umbrella file using conditional imports

Example code

// is_canvas_kit.dart export 'unsupported.dart' if (dart.library.js) 'web.dart' if ( 'native.dart'; // unsupported.dart bool isCanvasKitRenderer() { throw UnsupportedError('Implementation not found on this platform.'); } // native.dart bool isCanvasKitRenderer() => false; // web.dart import 'dart:js' as js; bool isCanvasKitRenderer() { return js.context['flutterCanvasKit'] != null; }

Happy coding!

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