Tagged with #flutter-web

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Hot Reload on Flutter web (beta)

Hot Reload on Flutter web (beta)


To enable this, switch to the latest Flutter beta (3.31) and run your app with --web-experimental-hot-reload

Conditional Imports for Web/Native APIs

Conditional Imports for Web/Native APIs


If you try to access a web-specific API on native platforms, your app will crash. Here's how to use conditional imports to solve this problem.

How to use defaultTargetPlatform and kIsWeb

How to use defaultTargetPlatform and kIsWeb


To detect the current platform, check for kIsWeb beforehand and use it together with defaultTargetPlatform, which doesn't import dart:io.

The Universal Platform Package

The Universal Platform Package


With the Universal Platform package, you can perform platform detection with a unified syntax on all platforms, including web, but there's a catch.

Flutter Web App Initialization Logic with CSS Loader

Flutter Web App Initialization Logic with CSS Loader


How to use the web app bootstrap process (new in Flutter 3.22) and add a CSS progress indicator before the Flutter app is ready to take over.

How to Publish your Flutter Web Apps on GitHub Pages for Free

How to Publish your Flutter Web Apps on GitHub Pages for Free


A step-by-step tutorial showing how to deploy your Flutter web apps to GitHub Pages using Makefiles.

Flutter Web vs HTML, CSS & JS: Performance Comparison

Flutter Web vs HTML, CSS & JS: Performance Comparison


And in-depth performance comparison of my new home page, built with Flutter web vs standard web technologies. All benchmarks were run with Google PageSpeed Insights and WebPageTest.org.

Top 8 Pro Tips for Flutter Web Apps using Firebase

Top 8 Pro Tips for Flutter Web Apps using Firebase


8 top tips that will save you time in your Flutter web projects.

Hide your Firebase config with .gitignore in Flutter web projects

Hide your Firebase config with .gitignore in Flutter web projects


A useful tip to hide your Firebase config from git in your Flutter web projects.

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