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What happens next?

Thank you for signing up!

As a subscriber, you’ll receive all my future content right in your inbox.

This includes:

  • My in-depth Flutter articles, which are published on Fridays, usually twice a month
  • My Flutter monthly newsletter, which is published between the 15th and 25th of every month

But there is more. 👇

Get my Flutter Starter Pack

This is a free collection of 15 lessons that will guide you through the most important topics and help you choose the right tools and packages (daily challenges are also included).

You can access the starter pack right here:

👉 Access the Flutter Starter Pack

As you’ll see, the lessons contain a ton of resources, and I'm not claiming that you'll become a Flutter expert in 15 days (or even 15 weeks, for that matter).

Instead, I recommend you explore these resources at your own pace or bookmark them for later.

Either way, know that I plan on keeping this course up to date and that it will remain free!

I hope you're excited to get started, and stay tuned for my upcoming emails.

Happy coding!
